Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) BTech Admission 2023: In the initial phase of counseling, 90 percent of the seats in government colleges affiliated with AKTU have been occupied AKTU BTech Admission 2023: After the first round of counseling at AKTU, more than 90 percent seats of B.Tech in leading government engineering institutes are filled. Candidates have also deposited the allotted branch fee. After which most of the candidates had to opt for private colleges in the second round of counseling which started from Thursday.


Bundelkhand Institute Jhansi, Institute of Engineering and Technology Lucknow and Kamala Nehru Institute of Technology Sultanpur have 90 percent B.Tech seats filled. 398 candidates have been allotted to 423 seats of BIET, 581 out of 599 seats of IET, Lucknow and 461 candidates have been allotted to 487 seats of KNIT. Admission Coordinator Prof. Arun Tiwari said that against the allotment of 23,454 seats under the first round of counselling, 19,243 candidates have deposited the fee under Mains in B.Tech.

B.Tech Second Phase Counseling Start The second phase counseling process has started from Thursday. Seat allotment will be done on Friday. Choice filling change and locking for admission to CUET UG, PG course will be on September 22. His seat allotment will be done on September 23. dusra tarika se full word likh

dhiraj kumar


dhiraj kumar
